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How do I access my webmail (Check emails using a browser)?

Date Created: 6 Mar, 2007   (17 year(s) ago) Viewed: 2857 Rating: 


You can read your mail and compose new messages even if you are far from your home or office computer. To do this, you first need to allow access to the Horde Webmail interface that is integrated with your control panel. Then you can work with your mail from any computer with Internet connection and Web browser installed, or a WAP-enabled cellular phone or a handheld computer (PDA).
To login to your webmail use the following url:


*where yourdomain.com is your domain name.

Login details are your email address and password you setup in your control panel.
This is the perfect Webmail program, which comes with all our web hosting plans, so you can access your emails anywhere in the world.
You can read your mail and compose new messages even if you are far from your home or office computer. To do this, you first need to allow access to the Horde Webmail interface that is integrated with your control panel. Then you can work with your mail from any computer with Internet connection and Web browser installed, or a WAP-enabled cellular phone or a handheld computer (PDA).
Horde offers many of the features available in pc email clients like Outlook Express. Some of the features include:
  • Compose and send emails

  • Read your incoming mail

  • Email search facility

  • Address book

  • Calendar and events

  • Save work as a draft

  • Task lists

  • Create folders for storing your mail

To login to your webmail use the following url:


*where yourdomain.com is your domain name.

The login name is the full email address i.e. you@yoursite.com and the password is the one you setup when you created the email in PLESK.

Login details are your email address and password you setup in your PLESK control panel or Online E-Store System.
If you also use an email client like Outlook Express to check your mail and still want to access the mail with Horde, make sure you check the option to leave mail on the server. If you fail to do this, all your mail will be downloaded to your email client and won't be accessable via webmail with Horde. Please be aware though that leaving your emails on the server will increase your used disk space as well.
*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.
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