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How to setup your email account on Android Mobile Device

Date Created: 20 Nov, 2010   (13 year(s) ago) Viewed: 12134 Rating: 


How to setup your email account on Android Mobile Device
Click to Enlarge
How to setup your email account on Android Mobile Device
Configuring your Android device to receive mail from your hosted email accounts is a very easy process.

This tutorial will give you a simple guide on the steps you need to perform to easily access your domain email accounts on the go with your Android device.

Currently tested devices are:
  • Nexus One
  • HTC One max
  • HTC Butterfly s
  • HTC One mini
  • HTC One
  • HTC One SV
  • HTC One X+
  • HTC Desire
  • HTC Hero
  • HTC Incredible
  • HTC Dream
  • HTC Magic
  • HTC Aria
  • HTC Wildfire
  • HTC Sapphire
  • T-Mobile G1
  • Motorola Droid
  • Motorola Milestone
  • Samsung Galaxy S2
  • Samsung Galaxy S3
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 mini
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 mini
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace 3
  • Samsung Galaxy Mega
  • Samsung Galaxy S
  • Samsung Fascinate
  • Samsung Vibrant
  • Samsung Epic
  • Samsung Mesmerize
  • You need a valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
  • Domain name and server name must contain only lower case characters because the domain name system is case insensitive.
  • Password are case sensitive.
  • Data transmission fees may be incurred for receiving/transmitting data through mobile device. Please consult your mobile device network on the actual fee arrangement before using the application.
  • As a convenience to users, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not have technical support third-party products. we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
  • Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
Related Links
*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Step 1

Tap the Email icon.
Step 1
Click to Enlarge
Step 1

Step 2

  1. Press the Menu button
  2. Tap the Add Account button
Step 2
Click to Enlarge
Step 2

Step 3

  1. Enter your full email address, e.g., email@your-domain.com
  2. Enter your email account password
  3. Tap the "Manual setup" button
Step 3
Click to Enlarge
Step 3

Step 4

Tap the "IMAP" button.
Step 4
Click to Enlarge
Step 4

Step 5 - Incoming settings

  1. Enter your full email address. e.g. email@your-domain.com
  2. Enter your email account password
  3. Enter the name of the IMAP server. e.g., mail.your-domain.com
  4. Tap the "Next" button. The device will connect to the internet and check your incoming settings.
Step 5 - Incoming settings
Click to Enlarge
Step 5 - Incoming settings

Step 6 - Outgoing settings

  1. Use the outgoing mail server specified by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) ie mail.netvigator.com if you are an Netvigator customer.
  2. Enter the port number: 25
  3. Enter your full email address. e.g. yourname@netvigator.com
  4. Enter your email account password
  5. Tap the "Next" button. The device will connect to the internet and check your outgoing settings
Step 6 - Outgoing settings
Click to Enlarge
Step 6 - Outgoing settings

Step 7 - Email checking frequency

  1. Select your "Email checking frequency", This frequency will impact battery life, e.g. 30 min
  2. Tap the "Notify me when email arrives" checkbox to see an alert on the status bar when you have new email.
  3. Tap the "Next" button
Step 7 - Email checking frequency
Click to Enlarge
Step 7 - Email checking frequency

Step 8 - Completed

  1. Name your account as desired
  2. Enter your name as you want it displayed in email
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