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Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows Email Setup Tutorial

Date Created: 6 Mar, 2007   (17 year(s) ago) Viewed: 5202 Rating: 


In This tutorial we will learn about using Mozilla Thunderbird as your email client. We will cover setting up a new account and editing an existing account.

What you will Need:

  • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
  • An email client. This tutorial uses Mozilla Thunderbird, which is a free opensource email client.
  • As a convenience to users, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not have technical support third-party products. we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
  • Mozilla is a registered trademark of Mozilla Foundation.
  • Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Related Links
*** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Step 1 - (New Account)

From Mozilla Thunderbird's Tools menu select Account Settings.
Step 1 - (New Account)
Click to Enlarge
Step 1 - (New Account)

Step 2

Click on Add Account to continue.
Step 2
Click to Enlarge
Step 2

Step 3

Check the Email Account button, then click Next.
Step 3
Click to Enlarge
Step 3

Step 4

Fill in your personal information. as shown below, substitute yourdomain with your actual domain name.
Step 4
Click to Enlarge
Step 4

Step 5

The next step will ask you for your email server names. For the incoming mail server replace yourdomain.com with your domain name. For the outgoing mail server, use the outgoing mail server specified by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) ie mail.netvigator.com if you are an Netvigator customer.
Step 5
Click to Enlarge
Step 5

Step 6

The next step asks you for your Incoming User Name. This name is your full email address!
Step 6
Click to Enlarge
Step 6

Step 7

In this step enter the name so you can identify the account, then click Next.
Step 7
Click to Enlarge
Step 7

Step 8

Check your information and click Finish. Your email account is now set up.
Step 8
Click to Enlarge
Step 8

Step 1 - (Editing an existing account)

From Mozilla Thunderbird's Tools menu select Account Settings.
Step 1 - (Editing an existing account)
Click to Enlarge
Step 1 - (Editing an existing account)

Step 2

When the Account Settings window appears, click once on the name of the configuration you wish to edit so that the configuration is highlighted. (For most users only one configuration will be listed. If you have old unused accounts listed you will want to delete the accounts, Thunderbird may encounter an error when trying to check an old unused account.) Update your setting as shown below. Substitute yourdomain for your actual domain name. Click on Server Settings sub-category to continue.
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