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Industry News

  • 「.tel」域名時代來臨,勢成全球電話簿



    「.tel」域名的特點是讓企業將所有聯繫方法,如電話、傳真、電郵等放在「.tel」,讓網民更方便與企業聯絡,甚至直接透過網站撥打電話或發送文字短信。企業還可以用它通過即時消息(Instant Messaging)工具、博客平台甚至語音電話(VoIP)服務等低成本通信渠道來降低其成本,從而做到既省錢又能加強客戶服務。

    「.tel」域名不同其他網域名稱的部分,在於不需有自己的IP,就能直接有完整網頁的呈現,並透過創新技術使得網頁內的聯絡資訊或關鍵字得以直接儲存,並同時被大眾所查閱,在透過其他常用軟體的支援下,點選EMAIL, MSN ID, SKYPE ID 或地址, 都能呈現極佳的互動效果。


    全球網民在香港時間2009年2月3日23時起,就可到Telnic的網站 http://telnic.org 登記,每個.tel域名售300美元,為期3年,之後每年20美元。

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Summit 2008 Agenda Announced by Parallels

    Summit 2008 Agenda Announced by Parallels

    Parallels has announced the following topics are to be featured at Summit 2008: Software as a Service (SaaS), Virtualization and 'green' hosting.

    This free, two-day event will welcome customers, partners and other industry participants from around the world on May 19-20 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

    This year's Summit will feature keynotes by industry leaders and innovators, as well as in-depth product, strategy and networking sessions for business and technical professionals. The event will also include hands-on technical labs for Parallels Plesk Control Panel, Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, and Parallels Plesk Billing, sponsored by HP.

    "The Parallels Summit 2008 brings together business and technical professionals to discuss not only virtualization and automation technologies, but also broader hosting and SaaS trends and opportunities," said Kurt Daniel, senior vice president of marketing and online, Parallels. "This year's event will build on the momentum of the previous two years and offers valuable networking with potential business partners, Parallels technical and business resources, and other industry participants."

    Agenda Highlights
    The Parallels Summit 2008 begins Monday, May 19 at 9 a.m. with morning sessions followed by the opening keynote at 1:30 p.m. The Summit program concludes on Tuesday, May 20 at 5 p.m.

    The agenda features two tracks: a business track, which will focus on product features, profitability and use cases; and a technical track, which will focus on product-specific implementations, architectures and hands-on problem solving.

    Featured speakers include:
    • Bill McNee, Founder and CEO, Saugatuck Technology, who will share findings from Saugatuck Technology's most recent SaaS research program and annual SaaS Research Report.

    • Dan Golding, Analyst for Tier 1 Research, who will provide expert analysis of the hosting industry and trends.

    • Serguei Beloussov, CEO of Parallels, who will describe the next generation of SaaS and virtualization based on Parallels' unique perspective due to its large, global customer base.

    • Top-level Executives, who represent industry leaders and innovative smaller companies who will discuss technology developments that are shaping the industry.

    Parallels will also host two evening networking events for attendees. On Monday night, attendees are invited to join Parallels for an Odyssey Boat Cruise. Event participants staying through Tuesday evening can choose to attend a Washington Nationals baseball game against the Philadelphia Phillies at the brand new ballpark, which features a high-definition scoreboard that displays more than 1 million pixels.

    A detailed agenda of planned sessions and activities is available at http://www.parallels.com/summit/agenda .

    Register, Reserve Hotel before April 19
    Parallels Summit 2008 is expected to attract hundreds of business and IT professionals from around the world. Space is limited and registration and hotel accommodations are subject to availability. To register or become a sponsor, visit http://www.parallels.com/summit today.

    About Parallels - Optimized Computing
    Parallels (formerly SWsoft) is a worldwide leader in virtualization and automation software that optimizes computing for consumers, businesses, and service providers across all major hardware, operating systems, and virtualization platforms. Founded in 1999, Parallels is a fast-growing company with 900 employees in North America, Europe, and Asia.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • 微軟證實Hotmail個人資料遭竊取


    根據BBC(英國廣播公司)報導,微軟公司的Windows Live Hotmail遭到網絡黑客入侵,超過萬個hotmail客戶資料遭到竊取,這些資料多數來自歐洲,微軟並證實遭竊取的密碼都是正確的。




    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • If You're Going To Steal Software, Steal From Us: Microsoft Exec

    If You're Going To Steal Software, Steal From Us: Microsoft Exec

    Microsoft business group president Jeff Raikes estimates that between 20% and 25% of all software used in the United States is pirated, but said some pirates end up becoming paying customers.

    By Paul McDougall
    12, 2007 03:00

    If you're going to be a software counterfeiter, then please copy and illegally use Microsoft products.

    The above plea isn't from a posting on a hacker forum. Rather, it's how Microsoft business group president Jeff Raikes feels about software counterfeiters. "If they're going to pirate somebody, we want it to be us rather than somebody else," Raikes said.

    The remarks might seem surprising, coming from a senior executive at a software company that spends millions each year fighting software piracy and developing copyright protection technologies.

    But Raikes, speaking last week at the Morgan Stanley Technology conference in San Francisco, said a certain amount of software piracy actually helps Microsoft because it can lead to purchases by individuals who otherwise might never have been exposed to the company's products.

    "We understand that in the long run the fundamental asset is the installed base of people who are using our products," Raikes said. "What you hope to do over time is convert them to licensing the software."

    Raikes said Microsoft isn't about to abandon efforts to track down those who illegally copy and use its products. However, he said Microsoft has to balance that approach with the recognition that users of purloined software could one day become legitimate customers.

    "You want to push towards getting legal licensing, but you don't want to push so hard that you lose the asset that's most fundamental in the business," said Raikes, who estimated that between 20% and 25% of all software used in the United States is pirated.

    Raikes said Microsoft is developing so-called "pay-as-you-go" software offerings with pricing schemes similar to those used by cell phone companies for emerging markets as a way of encouraging low-income individuals to use the company's products legally.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable

    Google 7.68 Terabits Per Second Cable

    Search giant finalizes plan for Pacific fiber being ran.

    The recent quakes in Taiwan highlighted a lack of redundancy in the Pacific, where fiber runs have about half the capacity found across the Atlantic. A number of companies are planning to rectify that -- including Verizon, who is working with a number of companies to run an 11,000 mile, five terabits per second (Tbps) cable from the United States (Oregon) directly to mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea.

    Google is also laying Pacific fiber as part of a consortium named Unity, formed alongside six international companies. The coalition is building a 6,200 mile, 7.68Tbps capable fiber run from Los Angeles to Chikura, located off the coast near Tokyo. Google today announced they finalized the deal on the $300 million project. According to the press release Trans-pacific bandwidth demand continues to surge:

    According to the TeleGeography Global Bandwidth Report, 2007, Trans–Pacific bandwidth demand has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63.7 percent between 2002 and 2007. It is expected to continue to grow strongly from 2008 to 2013, with total demand for capacity doubling roughly every two years. "The Unity cable system allows the members of the consortium to provide the increased capacity needed as more applications and services migrate online, giving users faster and more reliable connectivity," said Unity spokesperson Jayne Stowell.

    It's obviously a nice deal for Google, given the content operator gets access to bandwidth at build cost. NEC Corporation and Tyco Telecommunications will build the fiber run starting immediately, and it should be completed by 2010, assuming that the undersea cable cutting bogeyman leaves them alone.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Domain Names Knowledge

  • How do I change DNS records if my domain is registered with GoDaddy?

    How do I change DNS records if my domain is registered with GoDaddy?

    If you recently purchased Focus Network Company web hosting or E-Store, but your domain name was previously hosted somewhere else, you will need to change your DNS information to the follow these simple steps:

    1. Log in to the GoDaddy Account Manager. http://www.godaddy.com
    2. Select Manage Domains from the Domain Names dropdown menu or the Manage Your Account list.
    3. Select the domain name you wish to modify using the checkboxes and then click Set Nameservers Icon.
    4. Select Custom nameservers (I host my domains elsewhere.).
    5. Enter our name server information to Nameserver 1 and Nameserver2 from below.
    6. Click OK at the bottom.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to transfer my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company"?

    How to transfer my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company"?

    When you start using your new hosting account or E-Store with us, it may be quite inconvenient to leave your domain name to be managed by your old host. If you do that you will have to communicate with two different organizations: one will be providing the hosting services or E-Store for your website and the other will be providing domain registration services for your website.

    In order to move your existing domain and manage it together with your "Focus Network Company" hosting account with you just need to order the "Domain Transfer Service".

    Requirements for successful domain name transfer

    • The domain name to be transferred is not in 'Locked' Status.
    • The customer has access to the administrative contact email for the domain.
    • The customer can provide "Focus Network Company" with the domain EPP key code, applying to domains for which there is such a code.
    • There are more than 15 days till the domain name expiration date.
    • The domain name was registered for the first time more than 60 day ago.
    • The domain name has one of the following extensions: .com .net .org .us .biz .info .name.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to point my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company" server?

    How to point my existing domain name to "Focus Network Company" server?

    Using your existing domain name with "Focus Network Company" service is easy! You simply have to point it to your account by replacing your old host DNS settings with our domain name server ones.

    Below are our DNS information:

    • ns1.powersx.com
    • ns2.powersx.com

    In case you do not have access to such a management tool, you need to contact your Domain Registrar to change the DNS settings for you.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Who can register a .CN domain name?

    Who can register a .CN domain name?

    Regarding to CNNIC request for document submission.

    For new .CN / .COM.CN / .NET.CN / .ORG.CN / GOV.CN domain registration, only organization application is accepted and below documents are required:

    • Copy of a valid China Business Registration Certificate, and
    • Copy of applicant's China Citizen Identity Card, and
    • Copy of a valid ICP license

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Who can register a .US domain name?

    Who can register a .US domain name?

    Any United States citizen or permanent resident, as well as any business or organization with a bona fide presence in the U.S., can register a .us domain name.

    One of the following eligibility requirements must be met:

    • A natural person (i) who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories or (ii) whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions, or
    • Any entity or organization that is incorporated within one of the fifty (50) United States states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories or (ii) organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, or any of its possessions or territories, or
    • An entity or organization (including federal, state, or local government of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof) that has a bona fide presence in the United States.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.



  • SPAM


    Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, which are universally undesired. While the most widely recognized form of spam is email spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, mobile phone messaging spam, internet forum spam and junk fax transmissions.

    Spamming is economically viable because advertisers have no operating costs beyond the management of their mailing lists, and it is difficult to hold senders accountable for their mass mailings. Because the barrier to entry is so low, spammers are numerous, and the volume of unsolicited mail has become very high. The costs, such as lost productivity and fraud, are borne by the public and by Internet service providers, which have been forced to add extra capacity to cope with the deluge. Spamming is widely reviled, and has been the subject of legislation in many jurisdictions.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • SSL


    Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols which provide secure communications on the Internet for such things as web browsing, e-mail, Internet faxing, instant messaging and other data transfers. There are slight differences between SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, but the protocol remains substantially the same. The term "TLS" as used here applies to both protocols unless clarified by context.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • e-Commerce


    Electronic Commerce is exactly analogous to a marketplace on the Internet.

    Electronic Commerce (also referred to as EC, e-commerce eCommerce or ecommerce) consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

    The information technology industry might see it as an electronic business application aimed at commercial transactions; in this context, it can involve electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, e-marketing, online marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Electronic commerce typically uses electronic communications technology of the World Wide Web, at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although of course electronic commerce frequently depends on computer technologies other than the World Wide Web, such as databases, and e-mail, and on other non-computer technologies, such as transportation for physical goods sold via e-commerce.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)

    C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)

    C2C (Consumer-to-consumer) electronic commerce involves the electronically-facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party. A common example is the Ads28.com, EBay, Yahoo!, in which a consumer posts an item for sale and other consumers bid to purchase it; the third party generally charges a flat fee or commission. The sites are only intermediaries, just there to match consumers, they have do not check quality of product being offered.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • BMP (Bit Mapped)

    BMP (Bit Mapped)

    The BMP (bit mapped) format is used internally in the Microsoft Windows operating system to handle graphics images. These files are typically not compressed resulting in large files.

    The main advantage of BMP files is their wide acceptance, simplicity, and use in Windows programs. However, they may pose problems for users of other operating systems. Commonly, BMP files are used for Microsoft's Paint program. Since most BMP files are uncompressed, and BMP's RLE compression has serious limits[citation needed], the large size of BMP files makes them unsuitable for file transfer. However, Bit Map images are suitable for background images and wallpapers. This is especially true for screen shots. In addition, images from scanners are usually stored in BMP files.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.



  • Product Management

    Product Management






    • 產品“中英文”名稱

    • 產品“中英文”說明

    • 產品的儲存目錄位置

    • 一般售價

    • 群組售價

    • 產品稅別

    • 產品成本

    • 型號

    • 數量

    • 重量

    • 所屬品牌

    • 開售日期

    • 產品銷售狀態

    • 特色產品狀態

    • 一幅主要圖片

    • 一幅視像影片

    • 六幅附加圖片

    • 產品的參考網址

    • 欄位資料

    • 目錄簡介資料

    1. 點擊主選單的“分類目錄/產品管理”

    2. 點擊左選單的“分類目錄/商品”總管

    3. 點擊產品的“相關目錄”

    4. 點擊右上方的“新增產品”按鈕

    5. 輸入相關資料及上載產品圖片

    6. 完成後按“儲存”或“更新”,或按“預覽”確認無誤再儲存,或按“返回”放棄並返回列表

    • 產品銷售狀態

    • 特色產品狀態

    • 新增產品

    • 編輯

    • 刪除

    • 移動

    • 資訊

    • 複製到

    • 特性選擇

    • 不應將產品直接置於“最上層”

    • 同一目錄的同一層級,不應同時存有“副目錄”及“產品”

    • 經上傳的“產品圖片”、“影片”、“附加圖片”等,系統會自動把檔案名稱更改以適應格式

    • 一些特別資料,例如:“商品欄位”、“品牌或廠商”、“商品特性設定”需從其他功能裏預先設定妥當

    • “特價產品”、“附加產品資料”、“附加推韉產品”屬獨立功能,在產品完成輸入後才可嘗試加入

    • 若需設定產品屬可供購買的“電子禮券”,只需在型號輸入以大寫英文“GIFT”為首,例如“GIFT100”,而禮券的售價便是面值,售出後的批核,請參考“顧客禮券批核”

    • 產品若曾經售出過,則不應直接將之刪除,這會影響過往訂單的記錄,對於此類不再發售的產品,應採用“產品銷售狀態”將之隱藏

    • 對於後來修改過的產品,將不會影響已產生的訂購單

    • 在新增或修改產品時,若有圖片需要上傳,儲存的反應時間將稍長,請耐心等待,切勿未完成儲存前點擊其他功能

    • 產品的新增或修改屬即時生效的,如店面資料或圖片看到的仍是未更新,請按瀏覽器的“重新整理”按鈕

    • 當完成相當數量的新增產品後,緊記以“電子報”或“寄電子郵件”通知已登記的會員(顧客)

    • 請勿同一時間由二位管理員進行產品的管理工作,這樣會引致儲存時出現錯誤

    • 請勿展示或銷售違反我們“服務條款”的產品,一經發現,我們將在不事前通知的情況下暫停您的網站及帳號

    • 這份指南的“新增產品”方式乃指單一件,本系統另設透過“匯出、匯入資料”大量新增產品的途徑

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • 準備的資料



    • 網站主題

    • 網站說明 / 簡介

    • 網站關鍵字

    • 網站負責人稱呼

    • 主要電子郵件

    • 客戶查詢郵件的收件地址

    • 新訂單的通知電郵地址

    • 公司聯絡電話號碼

    • 客戶服務電話號碼

    • 公司傳真機號碼

    • 公司名稱

    • 公司地址

    • 傳真機號碼

    • 接收短訊的手機號碼

    • 產品目錄

    • 產品名稱

    • 產品型號

    • 產品售價

    • 產品數量

    • 產品重量

    • 產品詳細說明

    • 一幅主要圖片

    • 其他附加圖片

    • 適用的產品視像檔案

    • 多種組別的客戶群組

    • 產品狀態

    • 特色產品

    • 商品品牌

    • 開售日期

    • 產品稅別

    • 產品成本

    • 特價產品

    • 產品客戶群組售價

    • 產品客戶群組特價

    • 產品欄位資料

    • 產品簡短主題

    • 產品簡短介紹

    • 產品關鍵字

    • 關聯的產品

    • 產品的可選擇特性

    • 關於我們

    • 客戶服務

    • 貨運及退貨說明

    • 服務條款

    • 個人私隱說明

    • 金流、信用咭收貨

    • 運費服務

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • E-Mail Templates

    E-Mail Templates




    1. 點擊主選單的“系統工具”

    2. 點擊左選單的“電子郵件樣式”

    3. 點擊主螢幕合適的範本名稱

    • 郵件主題 - 郵件的主題範本

    • 寄出型式 - 這範本的寄出型式

    • 郵件內客 - 郵件的內客範本

    • 通用“標籤”:
      • [[EMAIL:SITE_NAME]]網站主題

      • [[EMAIL:SITE_DESCRIPTION]]網站說明 / 簡介

      • [[EMAIL:SITE_KEYWORDS]]網站關鍵字

      • [[EMAIL:HOME_URL]]網站網址

      • [[EMAIL:COMPANY_NAME]]公司名稱


      • [[EMAIL:COMPANY_TEL]]公司聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:COMPANY_FAX]]公司傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:COMPANY_SERVICE_TEL]]客戶服務電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:STORE_OWNER]]商店負責人名稱

      • [[EMAIL:STORE_OWNER_EMAIL]]主要電子郵件

      • [[EMAIL:STORE_ENQUIRY_EMAIL]]客戶查詢郵件地址

      • [[EMAIL:STORE_ORDER_EMAIL]]新訂單通知電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:CURRENT_DATE]]當前日期

    • “客戶新參加”自動回覆:
      • [[EMAIL:PENDING_APPROVAL_CONTENT]]“客戶新參加”待批核自動回覆內容

      • [[EMAIL:CASH_POINTS_CONTENT]]新會員獲贈“現金積分”說明內容

      • [[EMAIL:GIFT_VOUCHER_CONTENT]]新會員獲贈“電子禮券”說明內容

      • [[EMAIL:DISCOUNT_COUPON_CONTENT]]新會員獲贈“優惠券”說明內容

      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:USER_ADDRESS]]會員或顧客通訊地址


    • 新會員獲贈“電子禮券”說明:

      • [[EMAIL:GIFT_VOUCHER_CODE]]電子禮券啟用編號

      • [[EMAIL:GIFT_VOUCHER_REDEEM_URL]]電子禮券啟用超連結

    • 新會員獲贈“優惠券”說明:


    • 新會員獲贈“現金積分”說明:


    • “客戶新參加”待批核自動回覆:
      • 沒有適用的標籤

    • “客戶新參加”待批核通知:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_ADDRESS]]會員或顧客通訊地址


      • [[EMAIL:CURRENT_DATE]]當前日期

    • “客戶新參加”通知:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_ADDRESS]]會員或顧客通訊地址


      • [[EMAIL:CURRENT_DATE]]當前日期

    • “新訂單”自動回覆:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_ID]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_CURRENCY]]訂單貨幣

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_STATUS]]訂單狀態

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_RECEIPT_URL]]訂單收據超連結

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_PRODUCTS]]訂購產品資料

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_TOTAL]]訂單總計




      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_COMMENTS]]訂單備註內容

    • “新訂單”通知:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_ID]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_CURRENCY]]訂單貨幣

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_STATUS]]訂單狀態

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_RECEIPT_URL]]訂單收據超連結

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_PRODUCTS]]訂購產品資料

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_TOTAL]]訂單總計




      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_COMMENTS]]訂單備註內容

    • “新訂單”通知 (SMS):
      • [[SMS:ORDER_ID]]訂單編號

    • “線上查詢”聯絡自動回覆:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_DATE]]查詢日期


      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_PRIORITY]]查詢重要程度

      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_CODE]]查詢編碼




      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_ORDER_ID]]相關訂單

      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_URL]]查詢網址

    • “線上查詢”聯絡回應自動回覆:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_CODE]]查詢編碼

      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_URL]]查詢網址

    • “線上查詢”聯絡回應自動回覆通知:
      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_DATE]]查詢日期



    • “線上查詢”聯絡通知:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]會員或顧客公司名稱

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_DATE]]查詢日期


      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_PRIORITY]]查詢重要程度

      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_CODE]]查詢編碼




      • [[EMAIL:ENQUIRY_ORDER_ID]]相關訂單

      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_URL]]查詢網址

    • “線上查詢”聯絡通知 (SMS):
      • [[SMS:ENQUIRY_SUBJECT]]查詢主題

    • 會員“忘記密碼”自動回覆:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:NEW_PASSWORD]]新密碼

    • 會員轉寄“電子禮券”:
      • [[EMAIL:RECIPIENT_NAME]]收件者稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:VOUCHER_VALUE]]禮券金額

      • [[EMAIL:VOUCHER_MESSAGE]]轉寄附加訊息

      • [[EMAIL:VOUCHER_URL]]禮券啟用網址

      • [[EMAIL:VOUCHER_CODE]]禮券啟用編號


    • “告知好友”產品資訊:
      • [[EMAIL:FRIEND_NAME]]收信者稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT_NAME]]產品名稱

      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT_URL]]商品網址

      • [[EMAIL:MESSAGE]]附加訊息

    • 新增“顧客心聲”通知:
      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT]]產品名稱

      • [[EMAIL:CONTENT]]心聲內容

      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]會員或顧客電郵地址

      • [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]會員或顧客聯絡電話號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]會員或顧客手機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_FAX]]會員或顧客傳真機號碼

      • [[EMAIL:USER_ADDRESS]]會員或顧客通訊地址


      • [[EMAIL:CURRENT_DATE]]當前日期

    • “商品存貨量不足”通知:
      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT_NAME]]產品名稱

      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT_MODEL]]產品型號


      • [[EMAIL:PRODUCT_URL]]商品網址

    • 由管理員批核“新會員”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

    • 由管理員寄“優惠券”:
      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_NAME]]禮券主題

      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_CODE]]禮券啟用編號

      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_VALUE]]禮券金額


      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_START_DATE]]禮券生效開始日期

      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_END_DATE]]禮券生效結束日期

      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_MINIMUM_ORDER]]禮券的最低購物額

      • [[EMAIL:COUPON_USES_PER_USER]]客戶可用禮券次數


    • 由管理員寄確認“電子禮券”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:VOUCHER_VALUE]]禮券金額

    • 由管理員寄“電子禮券”:
      • <<EMAIL:VOUCHER_VALUE>>禮券金額

      • <<EMAIL:VOUCHER_CODE>>禮券啟用編號

      • <<EMAIL:VOUCHER_URL>>禮券啟用網址

    • 由管理員寄“電子郵件”:
      • 請使用“通用標籤”

    • 由管理員增加“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_VALID>>現金積分價值

    • 由管理員調整“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_VALID>>現金積分價值

    • 由管理員取消“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_VALID>>現金積分價值

    • 由管理員確認批核“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_AMOUNT]]積分價值

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_VALID]]積分數量

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_BALANCE]]積分結存

    • 由管理員取消待批核“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_AMOUNT]]積分價值

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_VALID]]積分數量

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_BALANCE]]積分結存

    • 由管理員回複已確認“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_AMOUNT]]積分價值

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_VALID]]積分數量

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_BALANCE]]積分結存

    • 由管理員調整待批核“現金積分”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_AMOUNT]]積分價值

      • [[EMAIL:POINTS_VALID]]積分數量

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_ADJUST_AMOUNT>>調整後的積分數量

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_ADJUST_VALID>>調整後的積分價值

      • <<EMAIL:POINTS_BALANCE>>調整後的積分結存

    • 由管理員通知“訂單更新”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]訂單日期

      • <<EMAIL:ORDER_STATUS>>訂單狀態

      • <<EMAIL:ORDER_POINTS>>訂單積分數量




      • <<EMAIL:ORDER_COMMENTS>>訂單備註內容

    • 由管理員傳送“手機短訊”:
      • 沒有適用的標籤

    • 由管理員傳送訂單更新“手機短訊”:
      • [[SMS:ORDER_NUMBER]]訂單編號

      • <<SMS:ORDER_STATUS>>訂單狀態

    • 由管理員回覆“線上查詢”:
      • [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]會員或顧客稱呼

      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_TITLE]]查詢主題

      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_DATE]]查詢日期



      • [[EMAIL:SUPPORT_CODE]]查詢編碼





      • <<EMAIL:SUPPORT_STAFF>>回應職員

    • 建議直接使用系統預設的“郵件範本”,可避免無法預期的錯誤

    • “標籤”的語言定根據顧客當時使用的語言或管理員的設置而定

    • 經修改的“郵件範本”屬即時生效,但不會影響先前已寄出之郵件

    • 由系統寄出的郵件或SMS手機短訊,均屬純文字格式,所以無論郵件主題、郵件內容、郵件範本都絕不能附帶“HTML”及“附件”

    • “通用標籤”適用於所有郵件範本,但個別標籤只適用於指定的範本

    • “標籤”的首尾必需為雙方括號,文字必需為英文大寫,而且沒有包含空格,切勿改動標籤格式

    • 上述所有“標籤”只適用於“電子郵件”或SMS“傳送手機短訊”,不應在網頁模版裡使用

    • 郵件範本的使用例子:*** 這郵件是由系統發出的,請不需回覆! ***

      你已經收到一位會員的線上新訂單,要檢視內容或處理訂單,請登入系統管理的 『訂單處理/客戶管理』 -> 『購物訂單』。


      訂購人姓名: [[EMAIL:USERNAME]]
      聯絡電話: [[EMAIL:USER_TEL]]
      手提電話: [[EMAIL:USER_MOBILE]]
      傳真號碼: [[EMAIL:USER_USER_FAX]]
      電子郵件: [[EMAIL:USER_EMAIL]]
      公司名稱: [[EMAIL:USER_COMPANY]]

      訂購單編號: [[EMAIL:ORDER_ID]]
      訂購日期: [[EMAIL:ORDER_DATE]]
      訂購貨幣: [[EMAIL:ORDER_CURRENCY]]
      訂購狀態: [[EMAIL:ORDER_STATUS]]
      線上訂購單收據: [[EMAIL:ORDER_RECEIPT_URL]] (會員專用)


      貨運地址 (只適用於選擇送貨服務):





    • 寄出後的郵件例子:*** 這郵件是由系統發出的,請不需回覆! ***

      你已經收到一位會員的線上新訂單,要檢視內容或處理訂單,請登入系統管理的 『訂單處理/客戶管理』 -> 『購物訂單』。


      訂購人姓名: 陳志康
      聯絡電話: 22780280
      手提電話: 91234123
      傳真號碼: 22780281
      電子郵件: louis.chan@ec2biz.com
      公司名稱: Focus Network Company

      訂購單編號: 0701-123456
      訂購日期: 2007年3月10日
      訂購貨幣: HKD
      訂購狀態: 等待處理
      線上訂購單收據: invoice.html?id=9 (會員專用)

      1 x PS3 (BLACK) FULL SET 20GB HDD HKD$80,800

      貨運地址 (只適用於選擇送貨服務):
      Houang Stephane
      9 rue reaumur
      Paris, 123456

      Houang Stephane
      9 rue reaumur
      Paris, 123456





    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Language Define

    Language Define



    • 預設文字

    • 自訂文字

    • 編輯

    • 一般情況下建議採用系統預設的文字語句

    • 自訂的文字或語句必需簡短,系統會把過長的部份截斷。

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Administer Manager

    Administer Manager



    1. 點擊主選單的“系統管理員”

    2. 點擊左選單的“管理員設定”

    • 姓氏

    • 名字

    • 電子郵件

    • 密碼

    • 群組名稱

    • 管理員模式

    • 客服部門

    • 客服職員

    • 編輯

    • 刪除

    • 資訊

    • 切勿刪除我們預先設定的“最高權力”管理員,否則在群組限制下,業務擁有者可能無法再進入一些被限制的區域,如不小心刪除而需我們重設這種管理員,需向我們繳付設定費。

    • 一般情況下,不應設定不同管理員可同時執行相同區域群組。

    • 基於保安理由,請勿向非認可人士透露管理員資料,否則有機會您的商店資料被非法修改和盜取。

    • 除“獨立套裝軟件”及“開發版軟件”外,我們擁有登入您的管理系統任何區域的權力,以便提供技術咨詢和系統升級修正。

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Email Tutorial

  • How to setup your email account on Windows Phone 7 Mobile Device

    How to setup your email account on Windows Phone 7 Mobile Device

    Configuring your Windows Phone 7 device to receive mail from your hosted email accounts is a very easy process.

    This tutorial will give you a simple guide on the steps you need to perform to easily access your domain email accounts on the go with your Windows Phone 7 device.

    Currently tested devices are:
    • HTC Radar
    • SAMSUNG Focus
    • LG Optimus 7

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Mozilla Thunderbird For Mac OSX Email Setup Tutorial

    Mozilla Thunderbird For Mac OSX Email Setup Tutorial

    In this tutorial you will learn how to setup Mozilla Thunderbird as an email client on your Mac OSX.

    What you will Need:

    • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
    • An email client. This tutorial uses Mozilla Thunderbird, which is a free opensource email client.

    Thunderbird is a standalone version of the Mozilla Mail client. It offers sophisticated mail management features without the associated Web browser. These instructions assume that you are using Thunderbird 0.5 (or greater) for MacOS X. The configuration might be slightly different for other versions of Thunderbird.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Useful ISP email information

    Useful ISP email information

    Business Netvigator
    PCCW NETMailpop.netvigator.com110995smtp.netvigator.com25465
    PCCW NETMail Plusndpop.netvigator.com110995ndsmtp.netvigator.com25465ndimap.netvigator.com143993
    Hutchison Broadband
    Three Broadband
    Pacific Internet
    SmarTone Vodafone110995smtp.smartone-vodafone.com25
    Google GMAILpop.gmail.com110995smtp.gmail.com25465imap.gmail.com143993
    Yahoo Mail
    Ymail Plusplus.pop.mail.yahoo.com110995plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com25465imap-ssl.mail.yahoo.com993
    163 網易郵箱pop.163.com110995smtp.163.com25465imap.163.com143993
    QQ 郵箱pop.qq.com110995smtp.qq.com25465imap.qq.com993

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Setup fetch email using Netvigator

    Setup fetch email using Netvigator

    Why Should I Use Fetch Mail Instead of an Email Forwarder?

    We are committed to improving the stability of services.

    Unfortunately, it is very common for mail forwarding to cause blacklisting with many large email providers. This most commonly occurs when large amounts of mail are forwarded and then marked as spam after it has been received in the end user's inbox. This results in our server's sending reputation being penalized since it was the last server to send the mail. Ultimately, our server will be blacklisted with the email provider and it will affect all of other users on the same server.

    A solution to this is to disabled mail forwarding altogether. change to using mail fetcher, you can access mail in a other system without having the mail routed through that system's server. This way, you can mark a message as spam without it affecting our email server's reputation.

    The instructions below provide steps on how to fetch mail from our server so you can access them via Netvigator Mail.

    Once Mail Fetcher is set up, Netvigator will check those accounts on a regular basis, and new mail will appear automatically in Netvigator mail.

    • Log into your Netvigator account. https://www.netvigator.com/chi/email.php
    • Click Preferences and locate the Accounts section.
    • Click Add External Account.
    • Enter the full email address in the Email address field.
    • Select POP3 in the Account type field.
    • Enter the full email address in the Username of Account field.
    • Enter mail.yourdomain.com in the Email Server field. (Enter your domain instead of "yourdomain.com".)
    • In the Password field, enter the password for the email address you provided.
    • No need to enable Advanced Settings.
    • Click Save.

    • As a convenience to users, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not have technical support third-party products. we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
    • Email Forwarding or Fetch Mail may disclose your secrets.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Eudora 6 For PC Email Tutorial

    Eudora 6 For PC Email Tutorial

    In this tutorial we will learn how to set up Eudora 6 for PC as your email client.

    What you will Need:

    • A valid email account, if you haven't created an email account yet please log into your Control Panel and set up an email account.
    • An email client. This tutorial uses Eudora, which is available for PC and MAC.

    Eudora is an email package that is free to download from http://www.eudora.com Eudora has three modes -- Sponsored, Paid, and Light. Sponsored mode gives you the full-featured product, but displays ads on part of your screen. The ads are relatively unobtrusive. Paid mode gives you the same thing as Sponsored mode, without the advertisements, but you need to pay for and register it. Light mode is Eudora without the bells and whistles, but also without advertisements.

    When you install Eudora it will be in Sponsored mode by default. You can change the mode by choosing 'Payment & Registration' from the help menu.

    These instructions assume that you are using Eudora 6.x in Sponsored mode for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. The configuration might be slightly different for other versions of Eudora.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Linux Web Hosting

  • Using FTP with Internet Explorer (IE)

    Using FTP with Internet Explorer (IE)

    Internet Explorer(IE) include built-in FTP functionality. To connect to a website via FTP and transfer files, follow the instructions below.

    If your FTP requires a username and password, you will obviously need these before you begin.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • MySQL - How do I create a MySQL backup?

    MySQL - How do I create a MySQL backup?

    There are easy ways to go about backing up your MySQL databases.

    Backup using phpMyAdmin(DB WebAdmin). To do this, follow these steps.

    1. Login to your Plesk control panel.
      (e.g. https://yourdomain.com:8443)
    2. Choose and click your domain name.
    3. Click the Databases icon.
    4. Choose and click your database to want to backup.
    5. Click the DB WebAdmin Icon.
    6. On the pop-up window, you will see the screen of phpMyAdmin.
    7. Click the database name on left side.
    8. Click the hyperlink of Export Tab.
    9. Click the Select ALL link shown in gray. The check Save as file and click GO.
    10. You will be asked to save the .sql file to the hard drive. Click Save.
    11. Choose the location to save to and click Save. Your database has now been exported.
    12. Please be patient, the process may take a few minutes.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How do you set a website default page to something other than index.html

    How do you set a website default page to something other than index.html

    Create an .htaccess file in your httpdocs directory, or the directory for which you want to change the default, and add the following line:

    DirectoryIndex filename.html

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Database and user naming syntax for PostgreSQL and MySQL

    Database and user naming syntax for PostgreSQL and MySQL

    Since we run a shared hosting environment, we have to uniquely identify your usernames to your account ONLY.

    We do this by attaching your system user name and an underscore("_") before all the databases and users YOU create.

    Your added a new database(or user) and your filled in the name: mydatabase
    The Real Database Name: username_mydatabase
    (e.g. C0801001234567_mydatabase)

    * Where C0801001234567 replace your system user name.

    This applies to ONLY your database name and database username, you password stays normal.

    Database Server/Host Address
    • If your script or program is going to be accessing our database locally, meaning it is stored on your account, the server/host address will always be: localhost
    • Just like that, lowercase and one word.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Plesk 9 Quick Start Guide

    Plesk 9 Quick Start Guide

    Parallels Plesk Panel is the only web hosting control panel with integrated web design, SaaS storefront and billing. Parallels Plesk Panel delivers maximum profits for growing service providers.

    Parallels Plesk Panel is the most complete Web hosting control panel available today. In fact, it’s the only Web hosting panel that includes integrated Web design tools, a SaaS storefront, and fully automated billing and provisioning. Plus it delivers maximum profits for growing service providers; provides key tools for Web designers; and includes an easy-to-use server control panel for IT professionals (and small businesses without IT staff).

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Pre-Sale Services

  • Why using free email accounts is bad idea?

    Why using free email accounts is bad idea?

    We recommend that you NOT use an email address from a free service (e.g. Yahoo! or Hotmail) with your account information.

    Instead, please enter a traditional address, such as that from your account, or one issued to you by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

    This gives us better assurance of being able to contact you should we need to, as well as helping us protect your account and prevent fraud.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to apply special price for international domain

    How to apply special price for international domain

    We are offering domain name registration for the unbelievable low price.

    This offer is for a limited time only. Act fast while quantities last.

    You must purchase following plan offered on our site at the same time you new register your domain name to qualify.

    • E-Store
    • Linux Web Hosting
    • Website Design & Development

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Specific refund conditions based on method of payment

    Specific refund conditions based on method of payment

    Cash / Bank Deposit / Cheque:
    We will refund your money back to the account you sent payment from, mail a cheque, or via PayPal. Your PayPal account must be considered "Verified" by PayPal, open, and in good standing with PayPal for us to refund money.

    For orders paid via PayPal we will refund money to your PayPal account only. Your PayPal account must be considered "Verified" by PayPal, open, and in good standing with PayPal for us to refund money.

    Credit Card:
    For security reasons the credit card you use to purchase any of Focus Network Company products must be valid when you request a refund. We cannot refund to a credit card that has expired or been cancelled.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Newsletter / E-mail Help

    Newsletter / E-mail Help

    As a subscriber of www.ec2biz.com newsletters, you need to add www.ec2biz.com to your address book to continue to receive these emails.

    Please follow the directions at this link: Have you added the www.ec2biz.com addresses to your e-mail address book? for your particular e-mail provider.

    You need to add www.ec2biz.com to your address book:

    Please choose your e-mail provider below for specific instructions on adding www.ec2biz.com to your address book:

    • Open the e-mail.

    • Click "SAVE ADDRESS" at the top of the message header.

    • Click "OK" on the next screen.

    • Open the e-mail.

    • Click "ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK" next to the FROM address.

    • Click "ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK" again.

    Outlook Express
    • Open the e-mail.

    • Right-click on the FROM name.

    • Click ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK in the menu.

    • Click OK on the Properties pop-up.

    Netvigator.com (NETMail)
    • Click "ADD ADDRESS" on the screen of book address.

    • Input a new address to field:

    • Click "SAVE" on the bottom.

    • Click "ADD ADDRESS" on the screen of book address.

    • Input a new address to field:

    • Click "SAVE".

    You may need to contact your email provider to get more information.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • How to renew your Domain / Hosting Plan / other services?

    How to renew your Domain / Hosting Plan / other services?

    Our billing system will automatically send the renewal notification and invoice to your registered email address 15 day before the expiry date.

    You need to ensure your registered email is valid in the billing system and to alert on any email notification sent from us, You are responsible for keeping their contact information up to date.

    Please note your responsibility to track the services their expiration date.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


General Information

  • How to Enable Cookie

    How to Enable Cookie

    To enable cookie, follow the instructions below for the browser version you are using.

    Mozilla Firefox (1.0 final release and earlier)

    • Go to the "Tools" menu.

    • Select "Options".

    • Select the "Privacy" icon in the left panel.

    • Check the box corresponding to "Allow sites to set cookies".

    • Click "OK" to save changes.

    Netscape 7.1/Mozilla 5.0

    • Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu.

    • Click on the arrow next to "Privacy & Security" in the scrolling window to expand.

    • Under "Privacy & Security", select "Cookies."

    • Select "Enable all cookies".

    • Click "OK".

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+

    • Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.

    • Click on the "Privacy" tab.

    • Click the "Default" button (or manually slide the bar down to "Medium") under "Settings".

    • Click "OK".

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x

    • Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.

    • Click on the "Security" tab.

    • Click the "Custom Level" button.

    • Scroll down to the "Cookies" section.

    • To enable:
      • Set "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" to "Enable".

      • Set "Allow per-session cookies" to "Enable".

    • Click "OK".

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x

    • Select "Internet Options" from the View menu.

    • Click on the "Advanced" tab.

    • Scroll down to find "Cookies" within the "Security" section.

    • To enable:
      • Select "Always accept cookies".

    • Click "OK".

    Netscape Communicator 4.x

    • Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu.

    • Find the "Cookies" section in the "Advanced" category.

    • To enable:
      • Select "Accept all cookies" (or "Enable all cookies").

    • Click "OK".

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • SugarCRM


    Sugar Professional is a flexible CRM solution that provides a single view of customer interactions across sales, marketing and service.

    Sugar Professional improves business performance by offering best-in-class campaign management, opportunity tracking, account management, sales forecasting and customer support capabilities while delivering advanced reporting and collaboration tools.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • BlaB! Lite

    BlaB! Lite

    Features: high performance, extremely low bandwidth required; supports 99.8% of the available browsers; no additional plugins / server modules required; bad words removal; custom timezone settings; sound notification on new messages; utf-8 based multilanguage support.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • Avactis


    Avactis shopping cart is a software package that allows you to open an online store on the Internet.

    It comprises two parts - a client side and an administrator side. The client side is your website as seen by visitors. The Avactis's client side allows the visitors to your site to browse products in the online store, select products and put them into the shopping cart, as in a conventional supermarket, and then pay for the selected products using a credit card or other payment options.

    The Avactis's administrator side allows you to stock up the store with products, track orders and payments.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.

  • CRE Loaded

    CRE Loaded

    Create your storefront catalog and upload product images, text, and graphics to your storefront.

    Manage orders and inventory with the shopping cart. Process credit card payments through PayPal or Authorize.net, set up special pricing, and determine shipping costs.

    And so much more -- and all from anywhere you can access the Internet. CRE Loaded also offers hundreds of different templates to customize the look of your online store, so you can offer your customers a unique, easily identifiable, and fully branded shopping experience.

    *** The above information is for reference only, Please seek independent technical advice if found necessary.


Knowledge Base Search

Type your question here. If no result are found, try more general search words. For Example: instead of "Email Account" try "Email".

If you did not find the Knowledge Base you were looking for, please try our FAQ

If you would like to know more about our services
please contact us immediately!

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